go ahead and binge read
Maximize your holiday revenue with expertly crafted imagery. Learn why custom photoshoots and premium mockups are essential for holiday sales from leading expert Juliana Mary & Co.
Discover the transformative power of styling in product photography. Learn how effective styling can not only elevate your brand’s visual appeal but also drive consumer action and boost sales. It’s not just about the product; it’s about the story you’re telling around it.
I get asked all the time, “Juliana, how do I get my work seen!?” and my reply is always the same – GREAT PHOTOS! But stunning imagery is just the first step to stationery success; what you do with those great photos will make or break your business. Social media is all about visuals and […]
I really, truly believe there is room in the market for every single person who has the ambition to run a thriving stationery business, but getting started (and standing out) aren’t easy feats. In a sea of beautiful paper, it can feel like the market is too saturated to get enough clients or that only […]
Day 1: Styling a Floral Filled Envelope
Day 2: Styling a Wedding Invitation Suite
Day 3: Styling Wedding Shoes
Ready to elevate your wedding styling skills? Work step by step with Juliana in this free flatlay styling video series. Covering everything you need to know to style a wedding invitation suite, floral filled envelope, and wedding shoes with confidence!
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